Protocol on Soil Protection

Alpenboden Foto


Healthy soils are key to mitigating and adapting to climate change, preserving biodiversity and ensuring food security.

However, we lose large amounts of healthy soils every day. This loss largely caused by human soil consumption. This is particularly critical in the Alps, where soil availability is severely limited.


The Contracting Parties to the Alpine Convention have therefore committed themselves to "reducing quantitative and qualitative soil degradation, in particular through the application of soil-conserving agricultural and forestry production methods, the economical use of land and soil, the control of erosion and the limitation of soil sealing" (Framework Convention, Article 2, paragraph 2d).

Link Soil Conservation Protocol

Currently, the XV Alpine Conference has welcomed the Declaration "Sustainable Land Use and Soil Protection - Joining Forces for Nature, People and the Economy", which was prepared by Action Group 6 of the EU Alpine Space Strategy EUSALP. This Action Group is led by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention and the Province of Carinthia.

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