April 18, 2013: SONDAR CZ-AT Meeting – Expert Meeting on EROSION


On April 18, 2013 international soil experts gathered for a discussion on the topic of erosion in Tulln on the Danube.

Soil is the basis of our lives. It forms the upper layer of our planet with 50 cm, 30 cm or

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Soil Conservation & Sustainability in Lower Austrian Municipalities – Experts’ Meeting on April 5, 2013


On Friday, April 5, 2013, experts met at the premises of the Tulln UFT/BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) to hold lectures on soil conservation and sustainability.
Host Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Wenzel, University of Natural

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SONDAR: SOILart Private View at the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture in Bratislava on January 30, 2013


At the opening event, representatives of the Ministry of Environment as well as the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic, school forms from Slovakia, project partners and strategic partners of the SONDAR

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Alarming Land Consumption


In Austria, on an average 20 hectares of arable land and grassland are obstructed a day. This corresponds to a cultivated space of an average farm. Experts therefore demand an amendment of land use regulations, and an increased cooperation between municipalities in building projects.

It is nearly exclusively a matter

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SOILART Exposition opened: Arts and Commitment for our Soil!


Wilfing: 35,000 School Boys and Girls from Four States Create Wonderful Pieces of Art!

The current exposition at the exposition bridge at the Lower Austrian Landhaus SOILART - shows pieces of art, the roots of which reach deep down in our culture,

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