Governor Proell: “Danube Region assumes essential key position for the whole of Europe“

Informal meeting of Foreign Ministers of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in St. Poelten.



On Monday, October 22, in the Lower Austrian Landhaus (Government) Quarter in St. Poelten, the second informal meeting of Foreign

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Kick-off of SONDAR CZ at the Soil Celebration at the Lower Austrian Provincial Museum


The soil celebration and at the same time the kick-off event of the SONDAR CZ (Soil Strategy Network in the Danube Region) ETC project took place as a climax of the exposition of "Pebble & Tassel" on October

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Nomination as a SONDAR Ambassador and Initial Lecture of Univ-Prof. Dr. Walter W. Wenzel, Grad. Eng.


On October 1st, 2012, at the atrium of the IFA Tulln the initial lecture of Walter Wenzel was held on the topic of "Soils in a Global Change".

Moderator Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Stampfer, Grad. Eng. hosted the

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Opening of 1st Soil Colour Exposition of 2012 Cross-Border Competition of “Painting with the Colours of the Earth“


On September 25, 2012 the Provincial Vocational School of Lilienfeld invited for the „bread and colour" event. Within the framework of the European Cooperation Day, the 1st soil colour exposition of pieces of art

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Our Soil – SONDAR information tour at the Weekend of February 8+9, 2012 at Rohrbach and at the Adamah Organic Farm


On Saturday, September 8, 2012, at Rohrbach the final event of the Rohrbach Summer Holiday Games took place. The varied programme for children and young people also contained the SONDAR soil

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