New Article in Geoderma: SOC:Clay Ratio: A Mechanistically-Sound, Universal Soil Health Indicator Across Ecological Zones and Land Use Categories?

New article in Geoderma: SOC: Clay Ratio: A Mechanistically-Sound, Universal Soil Health Indicator Across Ecological Zones and Land Use Categories?
from Wenzel, Walter and Golestanifard, Alireza and Duboc, Olivier

Available at SSRN: or

Carbon Farming - for what and for whom? - Hybrid event on 13 March 2024 in Vienna or online

The hybrid event will take place on 13 March 2024 from 09:00 am to 01:00 pm.

Participation is possible online via Zoom or on site at AGES Vienna 22, Spargelfeldstraße 191, 1220 Vienna.

Participation is free of charge.

Further information >> here

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BIO Forschung Austria - Events in February, March and April 2024

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to invite you to our next events:

  • Soil practitioner arable farming certificate course 2024: Course starts on Tue, 12.3.
  • Crop rotation-adapted cover crops - diverse effects on Tue, 27.2.
  • Nitrogen dynamics in livestock-free arable farming
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Joel Salatin - Masterclass seminar on pasture management 20.-21.04.2024 in Arstetten

Joel Salatin - Masterclass-Seminar Weidemanagement 20.-21.04.2024 in Arstetten

Wie Weide wirtschaftlich wird.

Ein Farmer mit Weitblick revolutioniert mit seinem Weidemanagement die Landwirtschaft in den USA.

Das 2tägige Masterclass-Seminar mit JOEL SALATIN
findet von 20. bis

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Fruit trees, Fruit tree pruning courses and Fruit diversity - Dates in March and September 2024

Spring awakening in the Alchemists' Park

March 2, 2024, 02:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Organiser: Market town of Kirchberg am Wagram
Free event

Information under:

Goodbye stub pruning - fruit tree pruning

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